Tuesday, January 10, 2012

CEDO 535 Entry Four

First off, I am an absolute podcast addict. As I write this  I am listening to one of my favorite sports podcasters Bill Simmons. Since purchasing an Ipod touch a couple years ago I have been listening to podcasts almost every time I go somewhere and even when I mow my lawn, clean my house, and work out. Naturally I am interested in the possibility of creating my own podcasts.

Finding a free and easy to use tool to create them is the first step. I will be trying the options posted in the course work page and seeing if any of them fit my needs. I have long thought about trying to podcast material for my classes but have chosen to give my students links to other podcasts about the material. Creating my own may encourage more students to listen to it on a more regular basis. I am a little worried about how much time this will take as my schedule is absolutely crazy right now and will not slow down until late March so finding an easy and efficient way to do this is essential. Having students create podcasts is also an intriguing concept as well as a potential assessment. If creating my own goes well this is something I may try.

Vodcasting is also an interesting concept. Although I personally like listening to podcasts due to the fact I like to multitask creating a vodcast has many of the same benefits. This may be something for me to try and once again if it goes well and the school eventually gets the right technology having my students complete them may be an interesting option as well.


  1. The last time I made a podcast was back in 2005-06. (a baseball show for Brewerfan.net) It only lasted a couple of episodes and was way too much work for the result, but it can be fun.

    My only advice (bad and unsolicited) would be to just have something to say and don't stress about the production values.

    Good luck and post a link when your done as I like listening to new podcasts too.

  2. Josh,
    I would also like to listen to your podcast. I never listen to podcast, so I cannot say much about them. But I may actually listen to one on iTunes, it should not be that bad right?!? As far as creating one with your class or having your students create one, maybe this should be a project for next fall. Then you can have enough time to play around with it. I am very interested to see what you can do with this. What would your personal podcast be about?
