Monday, May 28, 2012

CEDO 550 Entry Six

The Facilitating Online Learning Course has given me a lot to think about in regards to the future of education. It is my belief, and a big part of the reason I chose to get my Master's Degree through this program, that technology will play a huge role in the future of education and is not going to be a passing fad or have a small niche. Online learning will be a big part of this and could change the way education is delivered.
Many schools are creating virtual schools and requiring online courses for graduation and those districts are likely going to be far ahead with changes in education. It will likely become commonplace in teacher education programs that students get certification in online teaching and many districts will require it of all their teachers. My main question is, what will education look like in 5-10 years? What role will online learning play in all of this?
One of my hopes is that I will soon get the opportunity to teach online courses myself. There is a growing segment of people including adult learners, higher education students,  and K-12 students who can greatly benefit from online learning and I want to play a role in that. I continue to be happy that my passion for education and instructional technology continues to grow and I am starting to look forward to supplementing my existing career with what I learn.

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