Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CEDO 530 Entry Three

The concept of Pecha Kucha truly fascinates me. I think a lot of people feel the need to include as much information as possible in their presentations and can lead to long and sometimes boring lectures. A Pecha Kucha is a great way to shorten and condense information and force you to stick to the core message. Each slide is important and only important details that support the core message can be included due to the time constraint. A great activity for my classes would be for students to have to create them. It would be a great way for students to do research and learn how to decipher important facts and information.

I have continued to evaluate and revise my presentations using the zen techniques. Yesterday I even had a great conversation with a colleague who wants to read the book. Although I would not consider myself even close to an expert, I feel much more comfortable with creating presentations and would be able to share a lot with others as I move to rid the world of bad power points.

Looking forward to creating some digital stories. Voicethread was a great tool that will be something I can easily integrate into my classes. I'm excited about finding some programs that would allow my students and myself to create some digital stories.


  1. I love the idea of possibly using the Pecha Kucha with the kids. That really would keep them to the main point and they could work in groups to create a presentation. A voice thread could also do the same thing and just let the kids know they can only talk for so long. Create the same thing with a different tool. This would allow students to have some more variation between groups with what the final presentation looks like!

  2. Josh-

    Pecha Kucha is an interesting tool or type of presentation. It thought of some ideas that would interest everyone. But I am still wondering if I want to present 20 slides in 6 1/2 minutes about gas prices. You really have to talk fast, which is not hard for me because I already talk fast. I will have to play around with that one. I know its going to take me some time to get my presentation correctly. I think its cool that the program offer teachers different point of views on different subjects like presentations. You can use those in the classrooms and it's just good to try something new all the time. I do like doing the digital stories and also using voicethread. Animoto was a fun one to do this week as well. I could not wait to use that one. I like this animoto and voicethread a lot. I am still working on my presentations as for as comprehending it. I understand but as far as I doing it, it takes a while. I have to practice a lot more with them.

  3. I also was struck by the idea of Pecha Kucha. It's funny that it was originally a way to get architects to stop talking and get to the point. I could see that as a great way to encourage conciseness in student writing. I remember being very surprised when I got to college that my classes quickly stopped asking for longer and longer papers, and started asking for more and more thought packed into the same length.
