Sunday, October 2, 2011

CEDO 525 Entry Six

Reflecting on the Course:
After each course that I take, and after in-services or professional development experiences, one of the things I always try to do is reflect on how what I learned can be useful. In regards to technology in education it is common to hear, "you need to integrate technology into your lessons" but what often does not get discussed is specifically how to align technology with teaching strategies. Technology is be no means the end-all be-all of education but is a great tool. The phrase that should be used is "integrate technology to improve your instruction not simply just to do it".
This course has led me to align technology tools with specific instructional strategies rather than simply just using it. What I have found in a short amount of time is that being a little more structured and systematic about how I use technology has made it more effective. Rather than students simply thinking "we're going to the computer lab to do something", there seems to be a better understanding of what the tool is supposed to accomplish.
It is very evident to me that my use of technology use in the classroom has improved. As I hope to become a technology leader in my building I believe that teaching my colleagues to use technology tools for specific instructional strategies will make integration more effective in my school.

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