Thursday, August 18, 2011

CEDO 525 Entry One

Principles of Teaching and Learning:
After reading the articles about the Principles of Teaching and Learning the main thing that jumps out to me is the importance of communication and personalization. For many years education was viewed by most people as: teacher explains content...students listen and memorize content...students explain content to teacher. In many ways this is sadly the way that many still view education. More and more research is showing the complexities of individual students and the importance of students being able to learn better in an environment that is comfortable and customized to them. Personally, I at times am skeptical of some of the research that I come across, not because I believe it is wrong, but because in some cases the practicality of implementing it is not very realistic. Most teachers have several classes of anywhere from 20-30 students or more so completely personalizing all aspects of education is not a realistic expectation for teachers. With that being said it is vitally important that teachers do find ways to accommodate individual student needs. Teachers need to in some way shape or form develop relationships with and regularly communicate with every student. They also must differentiate instruction and provide timely feedback to all students as well. In the 21st century it is important for teachers to continually reflect and evolve in the profession in order to meet the needs of their students. While totally personalized education may not be entirely practical within the system currently in place, there is no doubt that teachers must begin to focus on becoming more of a co-learner and facilitator with every one of their students, rather than simply a source of content.

A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of teaching and learning:
The second article was very interesting to read after reflecting on the first one. In the first article I concluded that individualized learning is best for student achievement and that teachers should focus more on being co-learners and facilitators rather than simply content sources and graders. The study described in the second article took a look at technology's impact on student achievement. More and more school districts are investing a great deal of time and money on technology and asking "does technology improve student learning?" is a very valid and appropriate inquiry. The conclusion was that using technology in the right way can help students become more engaged and can help teachers create a more individualized learning environment for their students, both things that theoretically should greatly help with student achievement. If teachers are expected to differentiate and personalize for their students, then technology is a tool that makes it much more efficient and possible to achieve that. Technology in schools has great importance not only because it can help teach students relevant real-world skills that transfer over to the workplace but also can help student achievement according to the study if properly implemented by a teacher.


  1. I completely agree with both Josh, it was interesting to read about the benefits from individual differentiation as it relates to technology in conjunction with the first reading. You are absolutely right about it being necessary and it does seem like a significant challenge that can only be solved by drastically smaller class sizes and more excellent teachers, or excellent teachers using technology to its maximum effect.

  2. Josh, I like how you broke down the articles in better termonolgy for me! It had me bored with some stuff, but I agree that the teacher should be more than graders and content sources for students. I personally hated when I did not get the feedback I expected to get from most of my teachers in High School. I always that they liked given test and grading papers. They did not provide more information on material to me. You did a great job on comparing the two articles.

  3. I know I ragged on the study of studies in my post but I got to thinking, is there been any studies about how well computer educated students (home schoolers / virtual academies) are being cared for with regard to the individualization of study and learning methods.

    I wish I had time and access to all the different online curriculum solutions out there to see what they really have to offer in terms of integrating technology and catering to individual learning styles. If in fact there are some programs that can learn and adapt to different styles of learning then this kind of thing would be useful.

  4. Regarding your thoughts on Principles of Teaching and Learning, I had to think of the program we're currently in, which is similar to what many students may use in the future. I wonder if a teacher hundreds of miles away will be able to provide the same personal attention that many struggling learners need.
