Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tech Tools Entry One

My early review of the class is positive. I am very happy to be learning some material that is directly applicable to education and my classroom. Although I enjoyed the last couple of classes, a lot of the lessons were not completely applicable to teaching. Thus far much of the material covered has led me to improve my teaching skills and I am excited to continue gaining more things I can bring into the classroom. 
I found the "Death by Power Point" slideshow very thought provoking. As a frequent Power Point user it is somewhat surprising to learn that I have not been using the most effective methods and techniques. It actually has inspired me to do a lot more research on mistakes made on presentations. One of the most interesting was a slideshow about Steve Jobs and his presentation skills. Although he presents in the business world, the lessons apply in education:
During the last week I have spent some time remaking many of my presentations and feel like I am a significantly better presenter already. 

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