Something I have considered doing several times but have not pulled the trigger on is building a classroom website. I have used a Web 2.0 tool (Edmodo) in my classes for a couple of years but feel a course webpage would be a good complement. Edmodo has provided a great place for me to share files and facilitate online discussions but I would like a course webpage to keep important files such as a syllabus and contact information easily available to students and parents. I can post those materials on Edmodo but it shows the newest materials near the top and the older stuff tends to get buried. Plus, a username and password is required for Edmodo so a webpage would allow more accessibility for parents.
Google sites would offer a good solution for my need to have a course page. The computer classes at the school have offered to build and maintain a site (through dreamweaver I believe) but I would like to have unlimited accessibility and editing ability. I have played around with Google Sites a little in the past but have not took the step to completely construct a usable site. This should give me a better communication tool with parents.
Google Sites is an attractive option (especially for the price). That is why I am looking at migrating our entire school site to a Google Site. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but I do like the simplicity and the integrated features.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get the chance to at least try and implement it.
I just ran across a site for creating courses . I know there are a lot of them but this one also integrates with Google Accounts (like Wolfmail) from the Google Marketplace. It's free as well.
ReplyDeleteI just signed up for an account to check it out. It has both web site creation and course management for creating classes and courses.
I haven't checked anything out in detail but it could be worth looking at.
After checking it out a bit this site really has a lot of stuff including a rubric maker with access to thousands of ready made rubrics for everything. It also has ePortfolios and ....