Thursday, August 9, 2012

CEDO 565 Entry One

One of my main goals in taking the MEIT Program is to become a technology leader for other teachers. Although by no means do I claim to know all there is to know about Instruction Technology, I have felt that I am very proficient in its use and the next step is to find ways to become a leader.

Schools have historically had a top-down leadership structure but educational reforms are giving more leadership options for teachers. Whether attending a conference, being on a committee, or presenting to the staff there are a growing number of ways that teachers are taking a leadership role. I have had experience doing all of those three things and they have been a good first step in taking a leadership role in my school.

It is my hope that this class teaches me some tools and strategies to enhance my leadership role in my school. I feel my knowledge of instructional technology is something that could benefit many other teachers, and in turn would help students. It is my hope that after this course my influence will spread in my building and beyond.


  1. You have a great attitude and understanding of what role you want to have in your school/district. I imagine that you are already a strong member of your school and will continue to be an important piece. I also liked how you mentioned that by helping teachers continue to develop and stay informed, that it will be benefiting students.

  2. Josh I understand what you are saying. I someday hope to be able to train some individuals on technology or become a Instructional Technology coordinator. I enjoy the intro of the class and hope to become a great leader and see what the book has to offer. I think its good that you had experience doing all three of the things you have listed, this should only increase your knowledge of it. Good luck!
