Thursday, February 23, 2012

CEDO 540 Entry Three

This week in I happened to have the experience of being involved in two surveys. The first was a Census Bureau survey that required me to keep and expense diary to help the government adjust the Consumer Price Index. The second was a long survey about technology usage and ability for the tech department at my school. I do not believe that I will be able to see the results or how the data will be interpreted for either survey but it was interesting to participate in both of them considering that I am currently enrolled in a class about collecting data.

On a side note I had students in my World Cultures classes do research and create Prezi's. They turned out so great! The kids really got into making them and took pride in their work. I knew it was a successful project because the kids seemed enthusiastic presenting them and I learned a lot myself from watching them. For anyone skeptical about the power and effectiveness of having students create digital projects I would direct them to view these and there minds will be changed quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Josh, I'd like to hear more about your students creating Prezi's. Let's talk about it Thursday night.
