Monday, March 28, 2011

A Super Virus???

Although I am a huge technology user and use my computer on a daily basis there is one fear that perpetuates my thinking quite frequently and that is the threat of a virus. In only a couple short years the United States will be completely reliant on computers (if we are not already) and that scares me in many respects. Viruses have been around for forty years and seem to stay even, or in some cases ahead, of security measures that are created. Most people have at some point got to experience the destructive power of a computer virus. They can cause a loss of data and personal files and usually take a great deal of effort and expense to fix if they infiltrate a computer system. I have heard several times that hackers have been able to break into classified government files and computer systems so it does not seem far fetched that a virus could be installed in any system. At the school I work at there was a student suspended a couple years ago for hacking into the system and that caused quite a scare. Although I do not feel that society's reliance on computers would or should change, it is very important that proper security measures are taken. The government, businesses, school districts, and people with their private information need to take a great deal of care to ensure they have proper security and are protected against viruses. I also believe it is imperative that punishments for people who create and install these viruses need to be severe and well known to try and discourage people from doing it.

Potentially the greatest virus threat could come from an international source. Occasionally in the news there is a story of a hacker from a country like Nigeria or Russia who creates a virus or steals identities from someone and little can be done due to jurisdictional restrictions. With todays globalized world and increasing use of the internet worldwide, it is very important that the United Nations, or a similar organization, outlines some sort of international policy to deal with this threat.

Although I do not typically get too scared of the constant "threats" that society faces, I do believe that the security of computer systems around the world is something that cannot be taken lightly. The potential for a "super virus" or major system crash is something that we all need to be aware of and take proper precautions against.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Computer History

I have had a fairly extensive history with computers. My family had a computer through most of my formative years. I still remember getting the internet in seventh grade and having a picture taken for the local newspaper of my family looking posing by the desktop. When I went to college my first laptop was a Dell. It lasted four-and-a-half years and then I got the laptop I have now (which is on its last legs). One of my favorite classes in high school was a computer science class that I remember very well.

Computers have had a huge impact on my life. I use them on a daily basis and feel somewhat lost when I do not have access to them (which I am not sure is a good or bad thing). A big part of my reason for taking this program is a passion for computer usage. There is a possibility that I may pursue a career in Instructional Technology at some point as well. I am in the process of shopping for a new one so I am excited for the possibilities as I am debating over several options.