Prior to enrolling in this masters program my online learning experience had been limited to a select few assignments in college that were posted on a Blackboard website. I joined the program because it was an area I was very interested in and the flexibility & convenience it offered were very appealing.
So far I have truly enjoyed my experience with online learning. The flexibility it has offered fits my lifestyle because I teach full time and coach two sports plus keep a very active social life. Being committed to traveling and attending several hours of class every week is not something that I was particularly excited about. Being able to do assignments when and where I want has been great and has made this a more enjoyable educational experience. Getting my master's was something I thought would be drudgery but has turned out to be a truly valuable experience. To me the true to test of an educational experience's effectiveness is whether or not it deepens and expands my interest in the subject or not. In this case I have become significantly more interested in Instructional Technology and spend a great deal of my free time expanding upon what I have learned, even if it is not required for class.
The only part of the program that I do not always enjoy, and it is not due to the other people I work with, is the group assignments. Scheduling and having to set time aside for a group meeting can be inconvenient. While I understand the purpose of them and have enjoyed everyone I have worked with it can be difficult finding a common time to meet and work. I have also had some technical difficulties during class with staying connected because my wireless connection is not always the greatest.
Overall my online learning experience has far exceeded my expectations. How anyone could not enjoy learning at their own pace and convenience is beyond me. After going through this process myself one of my career goals is to spread my professional development to others and hopefully make Online Learning part of my career.